by Steven Shomler | Feb 4, 2019 | Special Event
Celebrating my 50th Birthday! On Monday Feb 18th I will be celebrating my 50th birthday with three awesome events and you are invited to be part of any of them that strike your fancy! Event #1 Day Drinking With Steven 1 PM – 5 PM To RSVP go here...
by Steven Shomler | Aug 15, 2018 | Achievement, Battle For Your Dream, Go Live The Life You Imagine, Spark To Bonfire, Success and Motivation, You Can You Build Your Brand
You Can Build You Brand You Can Build Your Brand is the first of six Go Live The Life You Imagine resources coming from Steven Shomler. Each of these six resources will inspire and equip you to Go Live The Life You Imagine. FYI – See below for a list of, and links to...
by Steven Shomler | Aug 14, 2018 | Achievement, Go Live The Life You Imagine, Spark To Bonfire
Bonfire Caravan Bonfire Caravan is a very special community of people who are all pursing Life Change in way or another who cheer each other on. Some of the people in this community are building brands, some them are building businesses, some of them are pursuing the...
by Steven Shomler | Jun 25, 2018 | Beer Event, Craft Beer, Craft Beer Event, Food Carts, Portland Culinary Event, Portland Food Carts, Special Event
Friends and Family Preview at the Barley Pod Food Cart Pod! This Wednesday evening June 26th from 6 PM – 9M there will be a friends and family preview of the Barley Pod and you are invited! The Barley Pod is Portland’s newest Food Cart Pod located at 6035 NE Halsey...
by Steven Shomler | Jun 21, 2018 | Cider, Cocktails, Culinary Event, Portland Cocktail Event, Portland Culinary Event
Oregon Cider Week: Black Currant Cider Cocktail Night at Verde Cocina on Mississippi On Tuesday June 26th from 5 PM – 7 PM a very fun Oregon Cider Week event is happening – Oregon Cider Week: Black Currant Cider Cocktail Night at Verde Cocina on...