Steven Shomler

Author ~ Entrepreneur ~ Consultant ~ Speaker ~ Culinary Storyteller ~ LifeStory Alchemist

Sunflower Some Days Are Tough Steven Shomler

Some Days Are Tough 

I am intentionally positive and encouraging on social media.

I see lots of negativity both on & off social media and I want to do what I can to help offset it.

That being said – it’s also important to be authentic and real.

We ALL have tough days now & then and there is no shame in that.

I have recently been going over the reality of  “Tough Days” with some of my Bonfire Trailblazers.

It’s okay to have tough days – like I said we all have them.

Sadly, many of us do a good job keeping the tough days hidden away so no one knows we are struggling.

I don’t think that’s helpful.

Today is Tuesday Aug 16 2022 and this past Sunday was a very rough day for me.

I am not not sure exactly why Sunday was such an awful day for me.

Being a content creator can be rough sometimes and some of the struggles I was having Sunday were related to challenges I was having with that part of my journey.

Most of Sunday I was very discouraged – I felt like a hopeless loser, and like an imposter who had no business have any success.

Monday I felt somewhat better but nowhere near 100%

Today – Tuesday I woke up to a brighter day. On my morning walk I took that joyful sunflower photo.

You will have tough days – when you do, please be kind to yourself.

Steven Shomler

#TheToughDays  #PracticeSelfCompassion
