My Four Delights
I love #1 life change, #2 great meals, #3 great travel, and #4 being a storyteller. I call those 4 elements my four delights.
So What? Why Should You Care?
Because – to one degree or another, my professional life today revolves around those four delights and that was not always true.
In the Summer of 2011 I decided to change my life, and build a whole new career out of thin air. I wanted my work to bring me Joy and Fulfillment.
Today most of the work I do involves me working in areas that delight me – i.e. my work brings me joy and fulfillment and that feels soooo good!
Does Your Work Bring You Joy and Fulfillment?
If so – Great!
If not – you can change you life so that your work involves you working in areas that delight you – i.e. your work can bring you joy and fulfillment!
Furthermore – I give you permission to have your work bring you joy and fulfillment.
What Title Do You Want?
Check this out! Not only can your work bring you joy and fulfillment – you can have the work titles that you want as well!
I came up with three professional titles that exemplify the work life I want to be fully experiencing. That’s right I made them up.
These days when someone asks me “what I do” I throw out one (or all) of these three professional titles:
LifeStory Alchemist,
Culinary Storyteller , and
Savory Travel Advocate
Click on the link(s) above to read more about the title(s) that interest you.
What I hope interests you more is you coming up with the title(s) that you would want on your business card.
I am Steven Shomler – I know that Life Change Can Happen, and I believe in the beauty of your dream!