All Chapters Come to an End

Last year on August 9, 2023, I came back to Culmination Brewing  to do what I could to try to save it from extinction – 16 months later Culmination is still here.

My time leading Culmination has been both very fulfilling and incredibly challenging.

All chapters come to an end and it’s time for me to move on to other endeavors.

Those of you who are fans of Culmination can rest assured that the brewery we love is in good hands – Daniel Hughes is one of the best Head Brewers in the state and Culmination crew member Jacq Lanczki is going be taking the helm.

I have every confidence that Jacq will do a phenomenal job leading Culmination’s next chapter. For those who don’t know – Jacq is featured in the photo above. If you want to know more about Jacq and what they did before they joined Culmination last Spring, please watch this video here –

Lastly – I will be bartending at the brewery this Saturday Dec 14 from Noon to 9 pm for those who want to come say goodbye.


Steven Shomler






Steven Shomler Culmination Brewing