Steven Shomler

Author ~ Entrepreneur ~ Consultant ~ Speaker ~ Culinary Storyteller ~ LifeStory Alchemist

A Tender Moment of Self Forgiveness -- Life Change Can Happen

A Tender Moment of Self Forgiveness — Life Change Can Happen 

Recently I was talking with a friend and the topic of life change came up. They had experienced a very significant, very impressive, positive life change.

Life Change Can Happen

I know for fact that life change happen. If someone tells you otherwise — tell them that Steven says to “Fuck Off.”

People have told me, more than once that life can’t happen. Those people are wrong.

I also know that it is also life change is not easy. In fact, it can difficult. I am always impressed when people have experienced positive life change.

What Sparked This Change?

I asked the friend mentioned above what sparked the change we were talking about.

They said, and I quote —

“It started with a tender moment of self forgiveness.”

Such beautiful, poignant words. Those words touched my heart and spoke to the core on my being.

I am painfully aware of areas in my life where I need to forgive myself.

As soon as I head those words — “It started with a tender moment of self forgiveness”  I knew that I was hearing life giving words.

I also instantly that for many of us who are pursuing life change, forgiving ourselves will be a needed step.

Questions For You and I About Forgiveness and Life Change

Can I be tender with my own heart and forgive myself?

How does my lack of self forgiveness hinder the life change I long for?


Can you be tender with your own heart and forgive yourself?

How does your lack of self forgiveness hinder the life change you long for?


These are questions worth journaling about  ( and/or talking with a counselor about.

I know that when I see my counselor in two weeks I will talking with them about this very issue and that tonight I will begin journaling about forgiving myself.


I am Steven Shomler and I know that life change can happen.


A Tender Moment of Self Forgiveness -- Life Change Can Happen